This picture was apparently taken on July, 4, 1918 by a travelling photographer during a parade in Sykesville, Pennsylvania. At the time, the country was in the midst of World War I and the photographer presumably gave the children the US, Italian, and French flags to hold as props ...... the flags of the Alliance.
From left to right (Adults):
My Great Grandfather, Pasquale Valentine, born in Sersale in 1863.
Francesco (Frank) Scalise, born in Sorbo San Basile, the father-in-law of my Grandmother's brother, Vincenzo. His nickname was "Giardo".
My Great Uncle, Vincenzo Fratto, (Uncle Jim), brother of my Grandmother. He was born in Maranise, just outside Sorbo San Basile. He would die before the end of the year in October, 1918 in the great Spanish Flu Epidemic.
My Great Aunt, by marriage, Camilla Scalise, wife of Vincenzo Fratto. Aunt Camilla was born in Sorbo San Basile.
My Grandmother, Maria Fratto Valentine, born in Taverna in 1893. After her mother died when she was 3 years old, she was raised by the family of her future sister-in-law, Camilla Scalise, until they both came to America in 1908. Her father, Giuseppe Fratto, was already in America at the time of his wife's death.
Loretta Tarantino, my Grandmother's best friend. She and her husband, Giuseppe Tarantino (next in the photograph) stood for the marriage of my Grandparents and were the Godparents of their first child, Frances Valentine.
The little girl in the arms of my my Grandmother, is my Mother, Jennie Valentine Petraitis (baptised Giovanina), age 1 1/2.
The little boy with the French Flag is my Uncle Pat Valentine, aged 3 (baptised Pasquale).
The little girl holding the Italian flag is my Aunt Frances, aged 5 (baptised Francesca).
The remainder of the children are Tarantino children and include Ross, Mary and Emma but my Mother is not sure who is who.
The group is posing in front of Frank Scalise's store in Sykesville. This building has been remodeled many times and is still the home of my parents.