Sersale natives found on Ellis Island Ship Manifests

Thanks to Stephen P. Morse, we were given the ability to search the Ellis Island Database for all people in a town. This is a wonderful tool for genealogists, because if you are having trouble locating your own family, you might trace the steps of another person from the same town and find your own family member with his/her name badly misspelled in the records. In my new database here, are all of the people that I could find who listed Sersale as their home town of origin. There were 16 different spellings of Sersale in all that I found, and there are probably more. There are also many ships manifests that do not list the town of origin. I do not know how to incorporate those people, except as individuals make me aware of them.
With each misspelled or oddly spelled name, I endeavored to correct them by looking at the manifests myself. Unfortunately, many of the misspelled names are on manifests that the original is missing, the names are actually torn off the manifest, are totally illegible, and most frustrating to me anyway, they are typed clearly, and misspelled on the original Ship's manifest! I did not correct the misspellings of Sersale so you could see for yourselves what we are up against!
Having said all that, I have here over 1000 People that either left Italy or Planned to, that claimed Sersale as their home town. Have fun! If you discover mistakes or want to add more people to this list, feel free to write to me.

List of names, click on first letter of name:
AB | C | DE | F | G | JL | M | NOP | R | S | T | VZ
  • under "A" can be found some names that the beginning letters were cut off so I don't know what letter they actually start with.
  • Some people were listed as children with their mother. The actual records call them names like "Maria Null" where I could, I listed the mother's name so instead of "Maria Null" my listing will contain "Maria, daughter of Teresa Rocca" whenever I could find that information. Some married women used their maiden names, as is custom in Italy, and some did not.
  • Some names are marked with an "X" in the first column. This simply means I did check the manifests and COULD NOT come up with a better spelling, or usually any information at all because of missing manifests.

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List of Spellings of Sersale: Sirsale, Sirsala, Sessale, Sarsoli, Sersali, Serzale, Sersato, Sarsale, Sasale, Sorsale, Sersalo,
Lersale, Sersote, Seisale, Versale, Serfale, Sertole, Sersole, Lersabe