On October 7, 2006 Missy arrived at the shelter/petstore to discover the broken door padlocked shut with several cats looking out at her through the window. She had to wait an hour for the police to let her in. The mayhem and carnage that greeted her was almost too much to bear.
Some persons of evil intent broke into the store and let all the cats, birds and small animals loose. This resulted in the deaths and injury to several small animals. All the cats are accounted for and safe now and the birds never left their cages even though the doors were opened so they are okay too.
Several reptiles were stolen as well as money and other items.
Update October 31st: All cats and kittens that were injured are now either ready for adoption or adopted. Due to a large donation, we have a $1000.00 reward with Crimestoppers at 206-343-2020 for any information about this crime. We accept anonymous phonecalls, so if you know ANYTHING at all, please call! Update October 12th: We are overwhelmed with your generosity. We have already installed a surveillance system thanks to generous donations from caring individuals. Thanks to you, another break-in like this will never happen again. The cats are getting better, and getting a lot of extra loving and cuddling to make up for their trauma. At last count, we have all small creatures accounted for except for two very elusive mice. We are luring them in with tasty treats, so we expect to have them back safe in their little cage soon. We are now offering a reward of $1000.00 for the safe return of Buddy, our Iguana; this is again, thanks to your donations. Please call us at 206-526-1558 if you can help us get Buddy back. We would like to correct the information that was in the Seattle Times They said the donations will enable us to take in 200 cats from an Everett animal shelter. Actually, we are getting about 8 cats from them this week. The 200 cat figure represents all the cats that we have rescued from that shelter this year. Most of those cats have already been adopted. Update October 10th: All the cats are healing. No one is getting worse. Thanks everyone for your amazing generosity! |
The immediate response of the volunteer community was gratifying. Despite the disorder and damages, within minutes several volunteers had cleaned up the worst of it and were carrying out all the daily and weekly chores with a professional air. There is a lot of loss and sadness there today. If there is anything you can do; it would be appreciated. Go to our wish list page or just follow the Paypal link below to make a donation. Paypal is working !! |