Myth and the Italy-to-USA Avventura: Setting - Utica, NY : A review essay containing discussion of three books containing narratives related to the Italian-American community of Utica, NY.
A Review of Crossing Ocean Parkway Readings by an Italian-American Daughter : Comments on a book of essays that were written by Marianna De Marco Torgovnick.
TRAVEL AND RECONNECTION TO ITALY: An essay/review of M. Rotella's book STOLEN FIGS: A consideration of the ways in which members of an immigrant culture are induced to disconnect from the culture of the area from which they emigrated. Rotella's book is assessed in terms of its potential as a guide to reconnection to the people and culture of Calabria, Italy.
Reflections on a Visit to the Puglia Region of Italy: A report on a week-long visit to the Puglia Region of Italy, with personal reflections on places and events. Connecting Our Family to its Southern Italian Origins: The writer and his son share a pleasure-filled trip through the south of Italy, enjoying the hospitality, scenery, culture, and history of the region. Building a Bridge between Il Cilento (Southern Italy) and Hazleton, Pennsylvania: A personal account of the vsit of a delegation from the Sister Cities Association from Hazleton, Pennsylvania to the Comunità Montana del Lambro e Mingardo, a montain community located in the Southern region of The Province of Salerno, Italy. Return of the Native to Stromboli: The granddaughter of an emigrant from the island of Stromboli gives her impressions of her visit to her grandfather's native island. Reconnecting to an Italian-American Ethnic Self: An analysis of the psychology of developing and maintaining self identities as a member of an ethnic group, based on review of three texts that chronicle personal experiences.
A painter Reconnects to Family Heritage in Italy and Sicily: Kathleen Gwinnett describes how she traveled to Italy and to Sicily, traced out her family's origins, and began to paint scenes that record her experiences and memories. An Evaluation of Naples -- A Great Tourist City: An essay offering an enthusiastic endorsement of Naples, one of Italy's great cities.
A Multi-purpose, Multi-pleasured Tour of Italy: A report on a pleasurable tour of Tuscany, Umbria, Calabria, and Rome. Savoring the Creativity of Italy's Tuscany: A personal account of a tour of Tuscany. A Tour of Italy -- Rome to Palinuro: A report on a strengthening of connections to the area of the origins of an Italian-American family. A Tour of the Cultural and Geographic Heart of Sicily -- and More: A report on a highly stimulating 8-day visit to Sicily. Stranger in a Strange Land: A Short Essay on Cultural Differences as observed by the Author in Sicily Two Italian-American Weeks in Italy's Veneto Region: A report of a recent visit to the area surrounding Venice. Immigrants from Sicily to The United States:Noting the Albany, NY Presence. Immigrants from Calabria to The United States: Noting the Albany, NY Presence. Immigrants from Southern Campania (The Cilento): Noting the Mohawk Valley and Central Pennsylvania Presence
Disseminating the Story of the The Italy-to-The-USA Avventura: An essay offering an assessment of the status of efforts to create a record of the Italy-to-The-USA migration. Italian-Americans in Prize Fighting in The USA: An essay aimed at considering the place of the offspring of the Italy-to-USA migration in the enterprise of prize fighting in The USA. America's Greatest Home Grown Diva -- Rosa Ponselle: An essay about America's first opera diva - not schooled in Europe.
Italian-American Culture Meets the Dominant Culture of the Northwest USA:An interpretation of personal adjustments achieved by persons who carry an immigrant culture into the domain of a dominant culture; exemplified by considerations of the cases of Henry Suzzallo and Angelo Pellegrini who fashioned illustrious careers at The University of Washington Seattle, Washington. Italy's Art in the United States: Tracing the Immigrants' Influence in the Upstate New York Region: A brief review of the ways in which immigrants and their familes have enriched the art of the Northeast of The THE USA.
REACTIONS TO VIEWS OF ITALIAN-AMERICANS: Maintaining an Ethnic Self in Western Massachusetts: The encounters of the Italian-Americans:An analysis of the ways in which persons at the margins of two cultures confront literary portrayals of members of their cultural group, with illustrations from community life in western Massaschusetts. The Sly Legacy of Hatred: An insightful essay analyzing the effects of bigotry and negative evaluation of alien groups that attempt to fit into an established society. The author, Roland Merullo, focuses on the ways that individuals from an Italian-American background attempt to adapt to social environments such as the world of the academy.
Bibliography of Literature Related to The Italy-to-The-USA Avventura: An extended bibliography of literature, readings, etc. related to he Italy-to-The-USA Avventura. This work is taken from Mangione, Jerre & Morreale, Ben. La Storia: Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience, with the gracious permission of Ben Morreale.
The author, James Mancuso died on June 10th, 2005. We maintain this site in memory of all the things that he did for us. |
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