Links to Some Sites
that Provide Information on Italy and Things Italian

Photographs of Things Italian:  A site that is a pleasure to the eye. This page has links to a number of pages that provide the viewer with excellant photos of Italian subjects, attractively presented.
Information on Italy:   A highly attractive, extremely well designed site, crammed with excellent information about things Italian -- sculpting, art, scenery, tourist information, photos etc., on Italy
Italian Embassy in Washington DC
Tourist information on Italy
Map of Italy
Italia:  A site that gives access to wines of the world.
Food & Drinks - Toscana - Lucca - Fubbiano
Italian Web Sites on the Net! :  A VERY superior www based Italian/English dictionary, with superb interface for use while reading and attempting to translate from English to Italian or Italian to English.
An Art Lover Tours Rome:  A very imaginative WWW presentation, allowing a thorough virtual tour of The Eternal City.
Italian Web Sites on the Net!
Conduct your own search for Links to Italy via Google Search Engine

This list was developed as a part of the effort of The Albany (NY) Area Lodge of The Sons of Italy to make available material that will develop an appreciation and understanding of The Italy-to-USA Avventura. Nevertheless, the compilers of this list and other text found on this world wide web site claim sole responsibility for the content of their productions.


       Anyone interested in obtaining a printed copy of this list may change the print size by going to the view menu, and then instructing the program to print the text. It would be advisable to set the printer to print in black ink.  

We would appreciate hearing your reaction to our efforts. The author, Jim Mancuso died on June 10th, 2005. We maintain this site in memory of all the things that he did for us.

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