Northwest Tandem Rally 2007 Photos.
The Tandem Rally this year was in Yakima and
we only had time to ride one day.
It was a windy day for Yakima, they suggested we ride early
because the wind continued to gain force throughout the day.
We're not kidding about the wind, look at the trees !
Even the baby trees were bending with this wind.
By this time, lucky for us, it was a tail wind
not a head wind!
Here is a bicycle built for 4!
Most of the time, I rode right behind the tandem,
hills, into the headwind, and then down again.
Photo op! Photo op! Raleighdon wanted a picture of
the tandem
behind the row of tractors that were
parked along the side of the road, kind of like a fence.
so they turned around and made a loop through some Goathead thorns to pose
at the end of the tractor line. Very picturesque, don't you think?
oops, did I say goathead thorns? can you say,
one spare tube and one spare tire is NOT ENOUGH sometimes?
Thanks to the good samaritans we met along the side of
the road, we were able to ride out of this mess!!
Pulling goat thorn spines is kind of like pulling teeth!
Lucky for us, Raleighdon is really good at changing flat tires
Flat tires all but forgotten, we face another screaming
descent with the wind at our back.
we passed this cute family of 6
Here's some hungry cyclists, Megan (Raleighdon's
stoker) on the ground eating delicious watermelon.
View from the stoker seat.